tailwind css_15分钟内开始使用Tailwind CSS
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tailwind css

is a CSS framework that gives you utility classes instead of pre-built components.


One of my favorite things I've found after using Tailwind:


You'll never need to override CSS framework classes again.


The home page has a really cool example of how to work with Tailwind:


建立真实的事物 (Building Real Things)

This article is focused on taking a look at Tailwind features. If you would like to skip ahead and jump straight into building things with Tailwind, look at these articles:

本文重点介绍一下Tailwind功能。 如果您想跳过并直接使用Tailwind构建东西,请查看以下文章:

  • R

快速示例-构建卡 (A Quick Example - Building a Card)

Here's an example of a Bootstrap card vs a Tailwind card component. Warning: This may look very weird and you may dismiss Tailwind after this example. Give it some more time and a few practice examples and you'll start to see the power of utility classes and the idea of .

这是Bootstrap卡与Tailwind卡组件的示例。 警告:这看起来很怪异,您可以在此示例后关闭Tailwind。 给它更多时间和一些实践例子,您将开始看到实用工具类的力量和的思想。

(A :)

Card Title

Content goes here

While the Bootstrap card is easy to create, it isn't the easiest to customize to our own applications. You'll need to override this .card class and maybe even regretfully use !important.

尽管Bootstrap卡很容易创建,但要针对我们自己的应用进行自定义并不是最容易的。 您需要重写此.card类,甚至可能遗憾地使用!important

Let's see Tailwind Card:


My Title

Content goes here

We are using many utility classes to achieve a card. While this looks like a little more work upfront, the biggest benefit is that you can customize to your style quickly and easily.

我们正在使用许多实用程序类来实现一张卡。 尽管这看起来需要更多工作,但最大的好处是您可以快速轻松地自定义样式

Here's the . Here's a breakdown of the classes for the card:

这是 。 以下是该卡类别的细分:

  • bg-white: background: #fff

    bg-white: background: #fff
  • rounded: border-radius: 0.25rem

    取整: border-radius: 0.25rem
  • shadow: 0 1px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .1), 0 1px 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .06)

    阴影: 0 1px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .1), 0 1px 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .06)
  • border: border-width: 1px

    边框: border-width: 1px
  • p-6: padding: 1.5rem

    p-6: padding: 1.5rem
  • w-64: width: 16rem

    w-64: width: 16rem

Here's the classes for the title:


  • text-3xl: font-size: 1.875rem

    文字3xl: font-size: 1.875rem
  • font-bold: font-weight: 700

    font-bold: font-weight: 700
  • mb-4: margin-bottom: .75rem

    mb-4: margin-bottom: .75rem
  • mt-0: margin-top: 0

    mt-0: margin-top: 0

Here's the classes for the content:


  • text-gray-700: color: #4a5568

    文字灰色700: color: #4a5568
  • text-sm: font-size: .875rem

    text-sm: font-size: .875rem

is an investment. If you want to write your CSS and design your apps faster, you're gonna have to put in the time to learn the classes; this is the same as any technology that you want to benefit from.

是一项投资。 如果您想编写CSS并更快地设计应用程序,则必须花时间学习这些课程。 这与您想从中受益的任何技术相同。

这会使我HTML太忙吗? (Will this make my HTML too busy?)

This can be seen as writing inline styles. There are many strategies to moving these classes out of your HTML and making them reusable. Here are some tactics for cleaning up our Tailwind classes:

这可以看作是编写内联样式。 有许多策略可以将这些类移出HTML并使其可重用。 以下是清理Tailwind类的一些策略:

  • Using Sass and moving our classes out of HTML

  • Using JS components (React/Vue) and only having to write classes once

    使用JS组件(React / Vue),只需要编写一次类

Here's an example of using the to clean up your HTML:


.btn {
@apply font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded;}.btn-blue {
@apply bg-blue-500 text-white;}.btn-blue:hover {
@apply bg-blue-700;}

An approach that I personally like is keeping the classes in the template and then finding ways to make that template reusable. React components is a good example of this.

我个人喜欢的一种方法是将类保留在模板中,然后找到使该模板可重用的方法。 React组件就是一个很好的例子。

We'll talk about that more later. For now, we need to focus on how we can use Tailwind to build things.

我们稍后再讨论。 目前,我们需要专注于如何使用Tailwind来构建事物。

( )

Now that we've seen a quick example, let's dig deeper. is a CSS framework that may be different than what you've used in the past. When most people think of CSS frameworks, they usually think of the most popular one, , or any of the very popular ones like or .

现在,我们已经看到了一个简单的示例,让我们深入研究。 是一个CSS框架,它可能与您过去使用的框架有所不同。 当大多数人想到CSS框架时,他们通常会想到最受欢迎CSS框架, 或任何非常流行的框架,例如或 。

Tailwind is a different type of framework. Instead of pre-built components, Tailwind provides utility classes.

Tailwind是另一种类型的框架。 Tailwind提供了实用程序类,而不是预先构建的组件。

Tailwind提供了一些类型的类 (Here are some types of classes Tailwind provides)

When we talk about utility classes, we mean that we have a multitude of classes that we can use. These will link direclty to the Tailwind docs.

当我们谈论实用程序类时,是指我们有许多可以使用的类。 这些将直接链接到Tailwind文档。

The Tailwind docs are very good at helping us find what we need. You'll find yourself browsing the docs often while you are learning the classes. A tip is to use the keyboard shortcut for / to focus the search bar.

Tailwind文档非常擅长帮助我们找到所需的内容。 在学习课程时,您会发现自己经常浏览文档。 提示是使用键盘快捷键/来聚焦搜索栏。

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You may be wondering, "why should we use a utility class framework that will make our HTML seem busier?"


Most CSS frameworks do too much.


When using Bootstrap or something similar, we'll have a lot pre-built classes like card, navbar, and more. As soon as we want to customize those things for our own projects, we'll have to write custom CSS and try to override the base styles.

当使用Bootstrap或类似的东西时,我们将有很多预构建的类,例如cardnavbar等。 一旦要为自己的项目自定义这些内容,就必须编写自定义CSS并尝试覆盖基本样式。

This can lead to busy CSS where you are writing styles to undo styles!


Tailwind gives us a "use what you need" approach.


This benefit will be more apparent the more time you spend with the framework. Let's go over some benefits and build a few things.

您在框架上花费的时间越多,好处就越明显。 让我们讨论一些好处并建立一些东西。

捆束尺寸 (Bundle Size)

Tailwind on its own is a large CSS framework. This is because of how many utility classes come with it.

Tailwind本身就是一个大型CSS框架。 这是因为附带了许多实用程序类。

The big benefit is when we use a tool called to . will look at our HTML and find the Tailwind classes that are being used. Any classes that we don't use will be removed from our final CSS file/bundle.

最大的好处是当我们使用名为的工具来 。 将查看我们HTML并找到正在使用的Tailwind类。 我们不使用的所有类将从我们的最终CSS文件/捆绑包中删除。

We can remove all the classes that we aren't using. Our CSS could be as small as 13kb!

我们可以删除所有未使用的类。 我们CSS可能只有13kb!

易于定制 (Easy to Customize)

Tailwind allows us to about our classes. We can change the color palette, size of fonts, paddings, responsiveness, and more.

借助Tailwind,我们可以有关类的内容。 我们可以更改调色板,字体大小,填充,响应度等。

We can create a tailwind.config.js and write our config changes in there. Anything in this file will override the Tailwind .

我们可以创建一个tailwind.config.js并在其中写入配置更改。 此文件中的所有内容都将覆盖Tailwind 。

// Example `tailwind.config.js` filemodule.exports = {
important: true, theme: {
fontFamily: {
display: ['Gilroy', 'sans-serif'], body: ['Graphik', 'sans-serif'], }, extend: {
colors: {
cyan: '#9cdbff', }, margin: {
'96': '24rem', '128': '32rem', }, } }, variants: {
opacity: ['responsive', 'hover'] }}

快速响应 (Quick to Responsive)

We can write in responsiveness using the utlity classes Tailwind provides. I was never a fan of writing my own CSS to create responsive breakpoints.

我们可以使用Tailwind提供的utlity类来编写响应式。 我从不喜欢编写自己CSS创建响应式断点。

With Tailwind, we can write our responsive styles by prefixing the utility classes with:


  • sm: min-width: 640px

    sm :最小宽度:640px
  • md: min-width: 768px

    md :最小宽度:768px
  • lg: min-width: 1024px

    lg :最小宽度:1024像素
  • xl: min-width: 1280px

    xl :最小宽度:1280px

Let's say we want a box to be blue at larger screens and red at smaller screens. We start with mobile and add the class for blue for larger screens:

假设我们希望框在大屏幕上为蓝色,在小屏幕上为红色。 我们从移动设备开始,为较大的屏幕添加蓝色类:

i am red on small and medium devices

i am blue on large and extra large devices

超快速原型制作(如果您非常了解CSS) (Super Fast Prototyping (if you know CSS well))

My favorite feature of Tailwind is how fast I can create great designs in browser. Tailwind won't give you perfect designs. It just gives you the tools to quickly create. I've never considered myself a designer and I don't use tools like Figma. I'd rather jump right into the code and design in browser.

我最喜欢的Tailwind功能是我可以在浏览器中快速创建出色的设计。 尾风不会为您提供完美的设计。 它只是为您提供了快速创建的工具。 我从不认为自己是设计师,也没有使用Figma这样的工具。 我宁愿直接进入浏览器中的代码和设计。

You need to know your CSS well if you want to use Tailwind.


Using Tailwind will make sure you know your CSS classes as it doesn't hide any of CSS behind component classes. If you use a Bootstrap card, you may not know what goes into that card class. When you use Tailwind, you'll know exactly what CSS you're getting.

使用Tailwind将确保您了解CSS类,因为它不会在组件类后面隐藏任何CSS。 如果使用Bootstrap card ,则可能不知道该card类别中包含什么。 当您使用Tailwind时,您将确切知道要获得CSS。

We recreated a few things we found around the web with Tailwind. Check out those articles to see us quickly prototype with Tailwind.

我们使用Tailwind重新创建了一些在网络上发现的东西。 查看这些文章,以了解我们如何使用Tailwind快速创建原型。

  • R

( )

Tailwind CSS is a different way of looking at your CSS. It provides a great foundation to quickly create any type of design you want.

Tailwind CSS是查看CSS的另一种方式。 它为快速创建所需的任何类型的设计提供了良好的基础。

It may take some getting used to, but I believe it's worth the effort.


You'll never need to override CSS framework classes again.


Stay tuned as we'll be building more things with Tailwind!



tailwind css


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